Monday, April 18, 2011

Gdnyt n Gdluk

Did You ever read/see 'The Crucible'?

\Broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow:

Became known for broadcasts during WWII, followed by millions of Nth American listeners. Considered one of journalism's greatest figures, for honesty and integrity in delivering the news. A pioneer of TV news, produced a series of reports that led to the censure of Senator McCarthy. Used excerpts from McCarthy's own speeches and proclamations to criticize the senator and point out episodes where he had contradicted himself...

\Senator Joseph McCarthy:
Fueled fears of widespread Communist subversion, during high tension cold war years. Noted for making claims of large numbers of Communists, spies and sympathizers inside the US federal government, etc.. Inability to substantiate his claims led him to be censured by the Senate...

Lent his name to the political practice of "McCarthyism", character assassination masquerading as the exposure of a threat.

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