Monday, January 15, 2007

Shameless Self-Promotion

I have some stuff I want to put here, but lack necessary time to complete this....
Hopefully some quickly added photos will satisfy in the meantime...
Though they never have before....

Here's my comment for the day...
It's not evil to swear, it's not necessarily evil to think about harming someone. Its whether you go through with your thoughts that makes them evil... Well in my proverb book anyway. Its not black and white, there's a lot of grey. So what use is it teaching your offspring hard and fast rules and imperitives, that only suit a specific situation. Why teach people to bottle it all up and then release all their anger in a violent fit of rage? The worlds changing, will your moral compass survive?

when life is busy the blog suffers...

1 comment:

Yossarian said...

Bring it sucka!

He who stabs last, stabs best....

No folks I believe this person is attempting to demonstrate a perceived flaw in my rudimentary but highly flexible (vague) moral code, to upset my philosophical applecart. That this threat is only (so far) an intention does that mean it is only evil if it is a serious threat? A death threat is still criminal isn’t it? Well I think that “the threat” is not completely evil (if intention was to joke and no harm was intended) unless the person intends for that person to become scared or fearful. So by making that threat you aren’t guilty of murder, but may be guilty of scare tactics or trying to restrict anothers freedom...

Priorities of sins vs. Hierarchy of crimes
Intentions vs. Actions
Rights (of individual) vs. rights (of society and other individuals)