Monday, December 06, 2010

Wiki - Dump

I think I'm actually gonna post a whole lotta stuff and use verbal English...
lax the anal grammar, syntax, spelling

so been a busy doing stuff lately, so forgot to write about it.
but now I am going to remedy that by boring the shit out of you.

FYI: I'm half way through season four of dexter at the moment
trinity is an evil fuck...

also discovered ch131, so been watching simpsons etc....
she was on the rebound from willy

also getting out and about, taking the car for a spin
trips to the hurinui,

I was hoping this post would make sense and explain what is to follow
but alas, we can't control how information will be received
and other useless garbage

sorry if some of this is personal, cryptic and makes no sense
but it's my external monologue

you won't actually find out much except for the curious thoughts I had

peace to the pike 29, not that this is an appropriate avenue to comment on serious everyday life matters, that are breaking the hearts of others

as always major music consumption of old and new, tried verses true
maybe read this post in reverse

I don't do this sort of crap too often promise!

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