Saturday, September 22, 2012

Good Show Old Boy

__Another Haiku Dump of Non-Epic Proportions (or so they say...)__

--Days 14 through 21 of 100--

- Day 14 - (15/09/12)
Title: Fourteen (Good Friday)
last days of jesus
fourteen stages of passion
stations of the cross

Day 15 - 16 sept
Title Fifteen (fame spiral)
viral bandwagon
famous on the internet
fifteen minutes of shame

Day 16 :-| 17-9-12
Title: Sixteen (scandals)
legal in some states
sweet sixteen in the summer 
silence is consent

Day 17 - 18.09.2012
Title: Seventeen (going back)
seventeen again
ignorant and innocent
why did I do that

D:18 19-9-12
Title: Eighteen (struggles)
eighteen sixty one
crisis precipitates change
sad distracted year

19th Day - 20th Sept
Title: Nineteen (Scenarioes)
fine nineteen degrees
cloud clearing this afternoon
maybe possibly

Day 20 - 21/Sept/2012
Title: Twenty (predictions)
seeing the future
not twenty twenty hindsight
I wish I could know

([Day Twenty One]) {22/09/12}
Title: Twenty One (responsibilities)
get serious now
twenty one age of the key
access the rat race

...are we going on a journey?
not even half way there yet sorry...
 should we just give up now?
and do what instead?
never mind, carry on...
 push on through man

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