Friday, September 14, 2012

The Death of Television (Auto-tuned Reprise)

[Day Ten] 11-09-12
Title: Ten (ways to sin)
a rule book for life
specific but out of date
the ten commandments

[day eleven][12 Sept 12]
TITLE: Eleven (Cameos/casinos)
rat pack then brad pitt
stars teaming up for crime spree
oceans eleven

D A Y 1 2 - - 13 - s e p t
title: Twelve (scare tactics)
twelve angry monkeys
killing on a death pannel
that does not exist 

{D.a.y 1.3 - 1.4-0.9-1.2}
Title: Thirteen (Stitches)
unlucky for some
thirteen black cats break mirrors
under a ladder

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