Monday, September 18, 2006

Get x or die y-ing....

Unknown varibles in the house ya'll!

Went to the movies last night.
Watched "Thank you for Smoking", thoroughly recommend to people who like satirical black comedy so sharp you could slit your wrists, or I guess thats what an ad exec would pitch. Anyway it was good, funny, smart, yada yada...
Sorta sneaks up on you like a bolt out of the blue (another movie coming out soonish) one of those not sure what to expect type dealios (the best way to watch a movie is with as little prior knowledge to pollute your mind as possible- so if you wanna se it don't view the link at the top...)
Even though I hate to compare willie nillie to other movies, it gave me the sort of feeling I got when I first watched 'Fight club' and 'Being John Malkovich... it's hasn't any real similarity to them as far as plot or themes, but just that rapid flow of information, snappy editing and a tendency to over estimate the audience rather than under...
Check it y'all!

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