Monday, July 11, 2011

Schadenfreude in Your Face

Random intangibles of recent time:
I wanted to write a short story but haven't got round to it yet, may do that soon as I have a (road/ferry) trip coming up. Watched 'Bad Boy Bubby' again tonight, a very interesting movie indeed. I had forgot some stuff in it...

So I did another pic with paint again, is it a montage or a collage?
juxtaposition or partial superimposition?

by the way... (other misc. thoughts, loosely in the form of questions)
  • When did the role of media change from reporting the facts to scandalising them? Distorting the to add excitement and intrigue, for no good reason...
  • What would the history channel show if it wasn't for world war II?
  • What were the eighties thinking? I mean really, the hair, etc....
  • Ever noticed that Rupert Murdoch looks like Mr burns with glasses?
  • Where is the next big thing hiding right now?
  • Whatcha' doing?


RidgeBackRogue said...

When did the role of media change from reporting the facts to scandalising them? Distorting the to add excitement and intrigue, for no good reason...

Winston Churchill was doing it when he was one of the first war correspondants in South Africa

What would the history channel show if it wasn't for world war II?

more documentaries about world war 1

What were the eighties thinking? I mean really, the hair, etc....

could be worse, they could have painted themselves orange and called it a tan

Ever noticed that Rupert Murdoch looks like Mr burns with glasses?

the love child of Mr Burns and Smithers????

Where is the next big thing hiding right now?

ask Simon Cowell

Whatcha' doing?

contemplating the possibility that the reason Banksy is still annonymous is because he's a cartoon character that escaped into the real world

jujugurgel said...

I think the eighties weren't really thinking, and I believe that that was the whole point. Not thinking about what others think of you, not thinking what u think of yourself and mostly, not thinking too hard on what to do...just doing it! =) Great Collage/Montage by the way!