Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tea and Crumpets

"The World's First Industrialised Ghetto" - shameless

I'm always (well usually) trying to find the balance...
between negative and positive.
Melancholy and Joy.
Success versus Anger.
Resentment against Contentment.
Happiness without Fear.
Anxiety tinged Euphoria.

You can't completely have one without the other.
As life is a vivid mixture of the good and the shit.
Never completely wonderful if you look too far,
but not ever as depressing as brains can think.
Anything can be dealt with, it can just take time.

Nature kills without conscience, but that doesn't mean we should.
So what if we have done since the beginning of time...
I'm sure at least some of those were needed.
But we can change can't we?
Rationality away!
Choose 'Life'?

It might not be sunny, but I'm sure there's warmth somewhere...
They may not listen to you, but someone out there will...
sometimes just one more day is all it takes...
hold on for the next big adventure!

Next time I might try to be funny again or I might just try to be really deep and pretentious, so that I can alienate the mainstream. I seem to have writer's block, but it's only blocking the good stuff from coming out, so this is what you're left with. I love my life really, because I have made some good choices and been lucky. But I did make a few bad choices first that helped me learn and had to deal with some bad luck along the road. Blah blah blah, morals.

Hope you're well!


Offset said...

"It might not be sunny, but I'm sure there's warmth somewhere..."
I liked that.

Gavin said...

"I seem to have writer's block, but it's only blocking the good stuff from coming out.." Wonderful. Story of my life. I think I'll start to follow.

indu chhibber said...

Great thoughts to say the least. I hope more & more people think as you do.

Inspector Clouseau said...

Nice blog work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the Next Blog button on the blue Nav Bar located at the top of my site. I frequently just travel around looking for other blogs which exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people express themselves. Thanks for sharing.

dissociatedprenihilist said...

Never completely wonderful if you look too far,
but not ever as depressing as brains can think.


Barbarossa said...

Stumbled upon your blog article and read through a bit. I really loved your writing here (my absolute favourite device to use in writing is contrasting words).

Here's a couple poems, or maybe more like spontaneous verbal diarrhea haha (the first two), in which I was doing the same thing: